2012可验证软件研讨会暨暑期学校将于2012年8月23日到31日在上海举行,由微软亚洲研究院和best365网页版登录官方网站联合主办。研讨会由图灵奖得主Tony Hoare爵士和中国科学院何积丰院士担任主席。7天的会议日程分成2个部分:2天的研讨会和5天的暑期学校。前2日的研讨会邀请了国际知名学者论述可验证软件在不同研究领域的发展与展望。演讲内容将涵盖可验证软件理论、实践和工具。后5日的暑期学校将邀请国内外在该领域的一线研究人员介绍其研究成果,并有机会动手体验相关可信工具的使用。
Call for Participation
Verified Software Workshop and Summer School 2012
August 23–31, 2012 | Shanghai, China
We cordially invite you to participate in the Verified Software Workshop and Summer School 2012, to be held on August 23–31, 2012, in Shanghai, China, co-organized by East China Normal University and Microsoft Research Asia. Participants will explore new directions and emerging opportunities in verifiable software research with colleagues from the Asia-Pacific region and beyond. This workshop will include two days of lectures from prominent scientists and researchers on topics in verification theory, practices, and tools, followed by a five-day summer school.
Workshop Co-Chairs
1980 Turing Award Winner Microsoft Research Cambridge |
Member of Chinese Academy of Sciences East China Normal University |
For a detailed agenda, speakers and speech abstracts, please visit event website here. Due to space constraints, we are limited to 250 attendees for the workshop and 80 attendees for the summer school. Please note that the attendee list will be finalized by July, and participants will be notified via e-mail. The registration is free, lodging and travel costs are the responsibility of each participant. Register today! Should you have any questions, please contact registration at: vsss2012@hotmail.com.
Thank you for your interest and we look forward to seeing you in August!